
& Career

  • To encourage the spiritual growth, fellowship, and edification of young adults, particularly at New Hope but also in the surrounding community. Additionally, we seek to help enfold the young adults of the church into the body at New Hope.

  • Primarily our purpose is provide a solid Biblical support of young adults during a potentially challenging time in their lives as they transition from life as a teenager into life as an adult and are faced with new challenges that they may not have previously faced. Secondarily, we also seek to provide young adults with an opportunity to enjoy Christian fellowship, build friendships, and find encouragement in other believers of similar age and life circumstances. While not limited to singles, the group provides support during a potentially lonely time in life, whether in college, away from home, and/or starting a new career.

  • We meet bi‐weekly for fellowship that happens over a shared meal, followed by a Bible‐based study, discussion, and a time of prayer. We will also sometimes enjoy a game or special outing together, as well.