Signups and Registrations

We Can’t Wait to See You!

  • Vacation Bible School

    Ages: 3-11 (must be potty trained)

    *Families of 3 year olds: please plan to join your child during the opening (9:00-9:15) and closing (11:35-12:00) assemblies when it is difficult for them to sit. Thank you!

    Snack note: All snacks will be peanut free. Dairy, gluten, soy, and egg free options are built in each day. We are happy to work with other food requests as well. Make sure to include all allergies or food preferences on your registration form. Please note, our kitchen is used for a variety of events and we cannot guarantee it is free of any allergens.

    Our program welcomes all children of all abilities. If your child needs special accommodations please contact us so we can make it happen.

    Questions? Email us at or call our church office at (920) 468-8565.

    Families, we'd love to have you join us for these additional VBS activities:

    -Closing Program on July 26 at 11:30am

    -Family Picnic following the closing program on on July 26 at 12:00pm

    -Children singing at 10am Sunday church service on July 28

  • Colson Fellows

    Gain Wisdom.

    Live Faithfully.

    Act Courageously.

  • Men's Gathering

    Mark your calendars for a men’s gathering on Friday, May 17th from 6-8 p.m. at Todd Kirsteatter’s home (please contact the church office if you need the address). We’ll provide a main dish and ask that you bring a side dish to share. Come for a time of fellowship and worship as we continue to spur one another on as men for Christ and His kingdom. Please sign up at this link or at the welcome center if you plan to be there.